The name of the game is to find as many words as you can until the ‘Game Timer’ expires.
- What Words?: The words you must find are located below the ‘Word-Search Timer’.
- How to Select Words: Click-and-Drag or Point-to-Point
- Click-and-Drag Click and/or Press and Hold on the First letter of a word then Drag through the Last letter and Release.
- Point-to-Point Click and/or Press on the First letter of a word then Click and/or Press on the Last letter of a word.
- Cycling Word Searches: When the ‘Word-Search Timer' expires the current word search will disappear and a new word search with another 3 words to find will appear.
- You can also skip to the next word search prematurely by pressing the ‘skip’ button.
- EXTRA TIME: If you find all three words in any given word-search before the ‘Word-Search Timer’ expires you will be automatically cycled to the next word search and you will be granted EXTRA GAME TIME (as observed via the ‘Game-Timer’ gaining length).